Pastor Paul Raju was born in 1981 in Andhra Pradesh South India . Unfortunately, by the age of 18, Vexed to His bad habits his parents would Cry, his wife Leela used to fast and pray always for him. He learned Electrical work and was working as an Electrician. While he was doing electrical work. Unfortunately, he got shocked by an electrical fire and he fell from the electrical pole. On the spot, Surrounded people said that he died and They carried him to his home and his parents, wife, and believers prayed with tears. When they prayed with Faith for him straightway he was alive. Paul Raju began seeking God who can change His life, miraculously one day He had a divine visitation of Jesus Christ and completely transformed his life. He found new life, a new beginning, and a purpose for his life on earth. Pastor Paul Raju and his Wife Leela Paul started street Evangelism and God’s ministry. His father died in 2001 and then One day, He Encountered God and received the higher call of God through Isaiah 43: 1. After then He altered the whole course of his life. Heeding to the voice of God, he submitted to the call of God. He grew spiritually more and While he was praying he received the anointing and gifts of the Holy Spirit and he started to speak in tongues. He devoted his life to studying the Word of God, Praying, doing Charitable works, and preaching the gospel, Accomplishing Visions & Missions since 2001. Since then the transformation he achieved to be a Pastor, Missionary, Visionary, and a Provocative thinker is remarkable.
Pastor Paulraju and his wife Leela Paul blessed with three Sons. When they begat First son Daniel was Dead, There was no word, no cry, no movement. When We all were crying and praying, God gave life back to Daniel. So We have decided to name our Ministry DANIEL GOSPEL MINISTRIES. Because effective Gospel started from Daniel Life, for our ministries. He emphasizes “Service to mankind is service to God and as Jesus said “ Love your neighbour as you love yourself. He believes this – thus he practices. God is Love. Love God Love People. “For us to live is Christ and to die is gain” And God has been using us in a mighty way for His glory since 2001. He is blessed with his wife and three sons who are working hard along with him to build the kingdom of God. Please pray for them. They Pray always. Encourage them through your Prayers and remember in all your prayers for Their visions and missions. God Bless you.
Our Vision:
Reaching the unreached with Agape love of Jesus Christ to extend God’s kingdom.
Our Mission:
TGWMINISTRIES INDIA, a Christ-centered ministry committed to preaching the word of God and developing leadership in the 21st century and is dedicated to working for the Christian Church and Society at large.
Legal Status:
Thomas Gospel Welfare Ministries (TGWM) is a Trust registered under the Indian Trust Act 1882 at Eluru in West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India. By God’s grace, The government has given full Rights and all authority to do all activities( God’s ministries)
Universal Penal Code: Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature – Mark 16:15
Indian Penal Code: Freedom of religion in India. Freedom of religion in India is a fundamental right guaranteed by article 25-28 of the constitution of India.
1.Target to reach a maximum of ten people groups .
2.Establish 30 Churches in tribal areas.
3.Burden to support Native Missionaries
4.Target to Construct 15 Churches .
5.To Establish 50 seekers’ care Cells.
6.To Run literature centre
7.To Establish Vocational and skill development training centres
8.To Establish community development centres
9.To Establish Counselling centres for Drug Addicts and Broken families……..etc.