About Directors and Founders

Pastor Paul Raju

Founder and President

Pastor Paulraju was born and raised in a normal Christian family. His parents, Daniel and Emiliyamma, were doing God’s ministry. When he was a child, they dedicated him to God. However, he wasn’t initially inclined towards God and moved elsewhere, where he learned electrical work. He worked as an electrician to earn money and support his parents’ ministry until he received a call from God.

One day, while working, he was shocked by an electrical fire and fell from an electrical pole. On the spot, everyone thought he had died. They carried him home, and his parents and fellow believers prayed with tears. When they prayed with faith for him, he miraculously came back to life, similar to the story of Eutychus (Acts 20:7-12).

Then, one day, he encountered God and received a higher calling through Isaiah 43:1 at the age of 19. After this, he altered the entire course of his life. Heeding the voice of God, he submitted to His call and sought God’s will. He grew spiritually, and while praying, he received the anointing and gifts of the Holy Spirit, including speaking in tongues. He devoted his life to studying the Word of God, praying, doing charitable works, and preaching the gospel, accomplishing visions and missions since 2001. The transformation he underwent to become a pastor, missionary, visionary, and provocative thinker is remarkable.

His father died in 2001, and God chose Paulraju to continue His work. Since then, God has been using his ministry in a mighty way. He is blessed with a wife and three sons who work hard alongside him to build the kingdom of God. Please pray for them. They always pray. Encourage them through your prayers and remember their visions and missions in all your prayers. God bless you.

Pastor Daniel


I was born and raised in a normal Christian family from a small tribal village. My parents, Geddam Paul raju and Leela Paul, were good Christian leaders in full-time ministry. They had three children. I am the firstborn of my parents. My name is Geddam Daniyelu. My parents raised me to live a God-fearing life. During daily family prayer, my mother taught me to pray and read the Bible, and my father taught me to play drums, and they led me in faith. Despite this, I was very mischievous and disobedient to my parents and to God. I was a problem child. I have become a headache for my mother because of my antics. Some people would ask me, Are you really a pastor’s son? I had no answer to that question, and I used to hang my head down and walk away. Those moments were filled with regret; I was ashamed of the person I was becoming. I used to go to church and help my parents in the ministry, but I still lived wickedly against God and my parents.

One day, during fasting prayers, I repented by listening to God’s word. I recognized that I needed a change in my life, and my parents also told me that they had dedicated me to God’s ministry. Realizing that only Jesus Christ could change my life, I grew spiritually and began conducting Sunday school. Many people said that I would fail, but God helped me to graduate from 10th grade with first-class honors.
At the age of 16, while studying intermediate, I used to pray every morning, read the Bible, and then only I would go for study hours. One day at 4 o’clock in the morning, while meditating on the word of God, God spoke to me through Jeremiah 1:5. Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Since then, I have begun to seek a deeper understanding of God’s will in my life. There are many gods in the world. In my quest to find out who the true God is, for my hundreds of questions, I found the answers in the Bible alone, and finally, I have come to know that Jesus Christ is the true living God. By listening to the gospel and reading my Bible, I realized that I was a sinner in need of forgiveness for my sins and Jesus Christ died for my sins. With deep repentance and being fully attracted to the love of God, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and my personal Savior. I was baptized on April 17, 2018, and publicly declared my faith to the world. Then Jesus Christ gave me peace that I had never experienced before. The Lord Jesus took away my old life and gave me a new life. By the grace of God, I have completed intermediate.
As my parents dedicated me to God, I joined Bible College in 2019 to study in Kerala. After a year, I came home for summer vacation. One night, while my father and I were sleeping in a room, on March 8, 2020, at exactly Sunday 4:26 AM I suddenly heard a very loud voice, my father is screaming, “Daniel, Daniel, Daniel… I pour out my spirit upon you and anoint you. I am able to do great things in your life.” I woke up, held my father, and started crying. I did not recognize it at first, but later I realized that God had anointed me through His servant. Once again, I clearly realized God’s call and plan upon my life. After that, I altered my entire life to the call of God. Since then, the transformation has been achieved. God has changed the useless person into a useful vessel, filled me with His spirit, and begun to use me in ministry as a powerful weapon. My parents and I have faced a lot of challenges. But Jesus is not unjust; our family is the main testimony of the uplifted to the poor. I have successfully graduated in Bachelor of theology with top honors at PBS Missionary training Centre.
On May 16, 2023, I was officially ordained as a pastor and missionary. To serve this well-developed generation and run the Ministry, I need a strong foundation and preparation. So, God sent me to USA to pursue Master of Divinity from Moody Theological seminary. Please continuously pray for me as I do ministry and continue my theological journey. I believe that God never calls the qualified, but he qualifies the called. And God uses ordinary people like me to accomplish extraordinary tasks.

Sister Leela Paul

Co – Founder

Woman of God, Sister Leela Paul, was born and raised in a Christian pastor’s family. Her parents are Pastor Selastin and Mary. When Leela Paul was in her mother’s womb, they dedicated their first child to God. She has seven siblings: five sisters and two brothers. Her parents raised her in God’s presence from childhood. She studied in a Christian school and successfully completed a C.Th. Bible course in Dr. K.A. Paul Bible Seminar.

Unfortunately, due to financial problems, she had to stop her studies. She married Paul Raju, who was not saved at the time. However, after serious and fasting prayers, God spoke to her husband through Isaiah 43:1, and his life was completely changed through a vision.

After their marriage, they did not have children for two years and were distressed about it. Finally, God heard their cry, and Leela Paul was blessed with three children: Daniel, Michael, and Thomas. They both share a strong burden to preach the Good News and to lead the lost sheep towards the Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Indeed, she is the right helper for the man of God, Paul Raju.

Over the years, Sister Leela Paul has led a powerful ministry among women, Hindus, and tribal people, encouraging and counseling them with the Word of God. Her reflective listening and empathy towards people laid a foundation for many charitable works. She cares for orphans and widows and teaches women and girls how to sew. She is also a spiritual mother to hundreds of born-again believers. Her strong personal and unique style of preaching has led many people to the Lord.

Ravi Kumar

Our Digital Media Director

Brother Ravi Kumar, I was born and raised in a poor Christian family from a small tribal village. I didn’t like God from my childhood I used to go to play when everyone was going to Sunday school I didn’t like God from my childhood I used to trouble my parents as I liked when I was growing up he was very bad he had bad friendships bad relationships I used to live in a bad life and in those days when my class 10th exams were approaching, I used to approach God with fear that I would fail. Because of where I would fail in my exam By God’s grace believing that it was God who passed me in my exam, then I got Baptized In 17 February 2020 to move forward with faith.

I started getting closer to God from that day because my father and my elder brother were helping me in the ministry. At that time when the Corona disease spread we stayed at home and prayed. At that time I had a great relationship with God. I am continuing in the ministry of God.  As I was serving God many people informed me that one night God spoke to me through His vision and called me to His service and three times I received visions of God.

       I don’t like to be a pastor but I believe in God but I don’t want to be a pastor at such times I didn’t listen to God, my family members all told me God called you to His service but I rejected it.  I was living a lukewarm Christian life. My life is unfortunately going in a wrong way. Surprisingly One day while we are going to the Sunday service by bike the dog got in the way and the accident happened. At that time my mother who was in the cart with me got seriously injured and went into a coma. Doctor and everyone said she was going to die. At that special moment I cried to God, Jesus, if you save my mother, I will accept your call. I will serve you all my life.  To my Mother God gave me another life and at that time I have completely altered entire life to God. Since then I grow spiritually and started to support parents in God’s ministry. As I have recognised God’s call upon me. I felt I need strong foundation in order to do His ministry. So I went to Bible College for bachelor of theology which will give me strong foundation and preparation. Please pray for me as I am continuing my studies and the ministry.